Apr 18, 2012

Proper Diet Before Competition

The importance of eating correctly before a game has been well documented and is a necessary trait for the athlete who wants to compete at peak performance in any sport. I have seen in my own experiences how not eating correctly can affect the energy I have during a game.

With all the other factors that go into each game, such as physical preparation, mental preparation, and scouting, it is a real shame for an athlete to not know the correct diet to maintain in order to let all that preparation fully be seen out on the court.

Here is a core group of three things that athletes need to be putting into their bodies before each game. It is important to note that proper eating begins several days before the game, and also that it is best for athletes to eat 3 hours before the game to get the most out of all the nutrients.


                                 What to drink?

According the National Academy of Sports medicine, it is advised to drink 2 to 3 cups of fluid before game time. Also, 30 minutes before game time attempt to drink ½ to 1 cups of fluid. The ideal drinks would be simply water which has no negative properties to it. Also, even though Gatorade has sugar, it has electrolytes which will help keep muscles working properly. I have found Gatorade prime, the first step in the G Series, works extremely well if it is drunken 30 minutes before game time to prevent the cramping up of muscles.

                                    Foods with Carbohydrates

The pregame meal needs to consist of foods that are high in complex carbs, and these types of foods are the most important for athletes of any sports because carbs provide the energy that fuels muscle contractions. Once eaten, carbohydrates breakdown into smaller sugars) that get absorbed and used as energy. Whole grains are full of complex carbs and should be added to any meal before a game. Also look for leafy greens and rice if possible.

                             Foods with Protein

Protein is essential for rebuilding the muscles that are worn down during games, which is why proteins are a good meal for athletes both before and after games. Protein needs to be combined with the carbs in order to let each substance do its job. The carbs will provide the energy and the protein will provide the rebuilding of muscles. You do not want to lean simply on protein to provide energy for the game. The best foods to look for include meat, fish, and especially eggs. Eating these foods in the proper amount will help increase the strain you can take during the game. Also nuts are a quick snack that can be used before games to get solid protein as well.

                                                Food to Avoid

According to Yahoo Sports the nutrients that you need to avoid before the game include caffeine, foods with high sodium, and sugars. Specific foods to avoid which can cause issues to your digestive system before a game include cucumbers, beans, fiber rich grains, milk, and sugar alcohols. 

1 comment:

  1. Great information! You should teach a class on this! Keep it coming Matt!
